Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Michelle Obama and becoming an fashion Icon.

By: Chimore Mack.

One of the most talented people and also the most fashionable First Ladies after Jackie Kennedy,is Michelle Obama and she always has a nice outfit on; from her famous J. Crew dress to the Chicagoian designer Maria Pinto dress that she had worn at the election.

She always has inspired me to have an high low wardrobe. She's smart, beautiful and also she has that charismatic attitude that most women feel that she's such an influence on them. With that i feel she's an fashion icon like Marilyn Monroe, Rihanna, Jackie Kennedy, Sienna Miller, Aaliyah and others.

Her clothes do not make her, she makes her clothes remarkable and memorable. That's why I like her so much because of the simple fact that she doesn't dress like everyone else, she has her own style. I always feel that in order to become a fashion icon, although people always repeat certain stlyes and designs, you always have to be the one standing out.

Even though I didn't win for Most Unique in High School, I always had my own style. While everyone was wearing Jordans, Nikes and Polos, I was wearing Clavin Klein, New York & Company and Old Navy shoes along with a friend that used to make jean bags for me.

This is why Michelle Obama is one of my favorite fashion icons. I changed my style every year, last year it was the Levis, Keds, The Sweetheart Jeans from Old Navy as well as their shirts; now I'm trying to change it up with dresses, capes and flats.

In order to have the title of a fashion icon it's not about how much an outfit costs it's about how much personality you put in your clothes. It's the way you wear the clothes, even if it's worn out rags, if you make it look sexy in your own way. That will make people look at you of becoming unique and not caring of what people say about you.